
Energy from the Ground Up

By Armando Cardenas
In a world that rarely slows down, there’s a simple yet powerful practice that invites us to reconnect with nature, with our inner selves and with the present moment. Earthing (or grounding) is more than just walking barefoot on grass; it’s a way to tap into the earth’s energy, living a more balanced, purposeful and full-of-wonder experience.

Balancing & Centering with Lucy Piper, ITP Teacher

By Lucy Piper

Sometimes everyday situations can throw us off balance – a long line at the supermarket, holding the phone for some tech support, the waiting room of the doctor’s office. A Balancing and Centering exercise can be just what we need to return to a calm and accepting state. At the February ITPI Open House (on Zoom), Lucy Piper led this nearly 11-minute exercise that will help you find your center during life’s challenges.

Stepping on the Path of Integral Leadership

By Jill Robinson
The Integral Leadership Mastery program provides a path of self-discovery, a vision for the future and a close-knit practice community offering wisdom and support. This exploration is aimed at tapping into our extraordinary capacity to produce positive changes in key areas of life. Integral Leadership participants, Dusty Niles and Lisa Wade, share what Integral Leadership means to them and how it is realized in their daily lives.

Homeostasis and Resistance to Change

By George Leonard
In this spirited presentation, ITP co-founder George Leonard describes the reasons why we humans are wired to resist change and how we can negotiate with resistance in order to grow and transform.

Balancing and Centering

By George Leonard
Bring your entire being into balance during this guided ITP exercise led by co-founder George Leonard. Using the foundational practices of ITP and Leonard Energy Training, you’ll gain an understanding of why being centered sets the course for a harmonious and balanced life, and how to return to your center during life’s challenges.

Poetry and the Further Reaches of Our Potential

By Jill Robinson
In our life-long pursuit toward the further reaches of our potential, we must always proceed with that first step. I recently spoke with Bob about his own practice, particularly his extraordinary capacity to retain and recite poetry. As with so many special conversations we’ve had, it was a flow of wisdom punctuated with a poem.

Applying Integral Love in Everyday Life

By Rich Sigberman
ITP member, Rich Sigberman, shares what happens when he approaches a task using an integral approach combined with love, and the steps he takes to reach this state in his daily tasks.