Joining an Integral Transformative Practice group helps you gain clarity and furthers your development in ways difficult to duplicate when practicing alone. Better yet, you don’t have to know everything there is to know about ITP to join a group. The ongoing learning is part of the joy in practicing with a community!
ITP Group FAQ's
An ITP group is made up of three or more people dedicated to the practice of ITP and its long-term evolution of body, mind, heart, and soul. Here are a few more frequently asked questions to help you learn more practicing with an ITP community.
Does an ITP group define itself as a religion, therapy group, or a social group?
Each ITP group is a self-organizing, self-directed, voluntary community guided by the insights and exercises shared in The Life We Are Given, written by ITP co-founders George Leonard and Michael Murphy. ITP groups create a supportive environment, but do not identify as a religious group or act as a therapy session. While it is social in that it’s a supportive and joyful community, each ITP group member is dedicated to regular attendance throughout the membership cycle and places primary focus on the benefits of practice. Read more about our ITP International Ethics Policy and our commitment to creating diverse communities that uphold an attitude of acceptance, consideration, and kindness.
Do I have to be a member to practice ITP in a group setting?
While there are informal ITP groups that meet to do the Kata and discuss relevant teachings, formal groups do require a yearly membership to join. Annual membership is $100 per year ($50 for those needing financial support) and includes benefits such as:
- Connection to a supportive network of ITP International teachers and practitioners from around the world
- On-demand access to the ITP library and media resources
- Event and workshop discounts
- Discounted prices in our ITP store
- Stewarding a practice community aimed at positive global transformation
Learn more about the benefits of becoming an ITP member on our Membership page.
What is the membership commitment if I join an ITP group?
Each group is unique and follows a schedule that might differ from one location to another. However, all ITP groups are guided by the nine commitments of ITP and members are encouraged to:
- Regularly attend group meetings
- Incorporate the ITP core components into their daily practice
- Write at least one affirmation toward positive transformation
- Live with a loving and open heart
How do I know if there’s an ITP group in my area?
Groups are located around the world, and you can search for an ITP Group in our database to help you get started.
I can’t find a group in my area. Can I start my own?
Absolutely! Our ITPI team is happy to support you in building an ITP group in your community, including hosting introductory workshops and phone consultations for a fee.
Contact us for more information on joining an ITP group, or to receive additional materials
for successfully starting and maintaining a local group of your own.

“There is a special power, a warmth and camaraderie in a voluntary group dedicated to positive change for all its members.”