
The Grounding Power of Community

By Autumn Wagner
We can count on life bringing changes and challenges. ITP practitioner Autumn Wagner describes how ITP, and specifically its many forms of community, have brought grounding power to her life.

ITP: Individual Practice and Cultural Pivot

By Kevin Maher
Examine how ITP creates a cultural pivot by providing a personal path of awareness of the divine as well as a collective shift toward contemplative awareness for the well-being of society.

Embracing Our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanity

By Jill Robinson, Rhiannon Catalyst
Integral Transformative Practice has long embodied an evolutionary worldview “giving context to a practice pointing us toward the realization of our greater capacities.” As Christina Grote and Pam Kramer write in Living an Extraordinary Life: “Humankind is seen as part of a universal evolutionary unfolding, and we each play our unique part in that unfolding. We can experience the joy of being fully ourselves and fully connected to the cosmic movement of which we are an integral part. Who we are and what we do matters!” In the following excerpt, taken from The Holomovement anthology, co-authors Jill Robinson and Rhiannon Catalyst consider why honoring and nurturing our truest selves is critical in our collective transformation.

ITP Community Spotlight on Judith Closson

By Judith Closson, Sally Isaacs
Each ITP newsletter spotlights a member of the ITP community so that they can share some insight into their practice and the role ITP plays in their life. This newsletter, with its theme of ITP Worldview, shines a light on Judith Closson. Judith is a longtime ITP member, in-person at Mill Valley and via Zoom from Washington state. Judith has participated in many programs over the years, including Ki of Cooperation. She eloquently expresses how ITP strengthens her connections to the world around her.

The Human Potential Movement Then & Now with Michael Murphy

By Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy, author, co-founder of the world-famous Esalen Institute, cofounder of ITP, and pioneer of the Human Potential Movement starting in the 60s, relates a wealth of intimate experience, knowledge, and wisdom covering his decades of living at the leading edge of transformative practice and the realization of human potential. Michael talks about Esalen’s latest research, our current crisis of belief, and the anchoring question that has guided Esalen (and Michael) all along: how best to serve?

How a Person and an Inspiration Started the Tulsa ITP Community

By Robert Doenges, Annie Ellicott
Inspired at Esalen, built in Oklahoma – that’s the righteous road Bob Doenges describes in this interview with Annie Ellicott, ITP Tulsa and Integral Leadership Mastery member. Bob describes the beginnings of the ITP Tulsa community that he formed years ago; the two ITP Tulsa groups continue to flourish to this day.

ITP Tulsa Explores the Power of the Imagination

By Lucy Piper
Seven years ago, the Tulsa ITP groups decided to up our game by having weekend workshops designed and facilitated by the Master ITP Teachers. The journey has yielded amazing results including strength of the community in Tulsa, personal insights, deepening of integral practice, and lots of fun. It has forwarded the mission of ITP which is “to advance the adventure of Integral Transformative Practice.”