Care and Feeding of the Soul

April 11 – 13, 2025
Shambhala Tulsa

What is the soul and how do you care for it? 

Join us for an in-depth exploration of your very own soul. As Christina Grote and Pam Kramer wrote in Living an Extraordinary Life, “... the soul has its own purpose in this life: to take the opportunity to grow, and expand into the fullest expression of itself, into what it is meant to be.” Together, we’ll gently expand awareness into this aspect of being human and bring our soul’s desires, powers, and wisdom alive in our consciousness. 

In this workshop, with preconceived notions set aside, we’ll open new doorways into what is wanting to unfold on our evolutionary path. Through gentle movement, deep relaxation, guided meditations, journaling, small and large group conversations, we’ll discern the unique voice of our soul and activate its guidance in our lives.

Workshop Highlights

  • Connect with the voice of your soul and experience practices for embodying its guidance in daily life
  • Tap into the wisdom of other aspects of your being – body, mind, and heart – and listen to the emerging messages of your soul
  • Distinguish "levels” of soul – from individual to collective to cosmic – and your particular experience of each
  • Design a practice plan for cultivating and living life fully from your soul at the levels just right for you

Explore and connect with the soul, from individual to collective and beyond!


Workshop Facilitators

Roger Marsh

Roger Kenneth Marsh is committed to evolving humanity to a more peaceful, joyful, and love-based state. He has been practicing ITP since 2004 when he helped establish and lead ITP Walnut Creek in Northern California. Roger continued developing his leadership through all ITP Mastery programs since 2008, co-leading ITP Group Leader gatherings since 2012, and co-facilitating the Integral Leadership Mastery Program since 2018. Through his own company Beyond Belief, Roger is a leadership coach opening the hearts and minds of leaders around the world.

Charlotte Hatch

Charlotte Hatch, a dedicated practitioner of ITP, has been practicing ITP since its inception in 1991 when she was a member of George and Michael’s “experimental group.” She is an ITP Mastery teacher, founder of ITP San Francisco in 2006 and is a 5th-degree black belt in Aikido. Charlotte has been instrumental in the design and implementation of the Mastery, Integral Leadership and the Ki of Cooperation trainings and leads workshops in LET and ITP. Charlotte leads our Annual ITP Practice Challenge.

Location Details

5001 S Fulton Ave, Tulsa, OK 74135

36.15398, -95.992775