Celebrating the legacy and impact of Golf in the Kingdom
Sunday, Oct 1 - Virtual Benefit and Monday, Oct 2 - Live Golf Event
Check out our online auction, live now through October 8: https://auctria.events/gkm-2023
ITP International is excited to announce the 13th Annual Golf in the Kingdom (GKM) fundraising events, inspired by Michael Murphy’s book, Golf in the Kingdom, published in 1972, over 50 years ago!
Watch the video to learn more about our fun and unique golf event.
GKM introduces golfers to the mystical world of the game and provides the opportunity to golf with PGA Champions, Pros and surprise guests. This year we are pleased to welcome PGA Pros Bobbly Clampett, Eric Jones, Marianne Huning and Mark Lye, as well as past players and newcomers to the event. It's a fun and unique golfing experience. Come experience the mystery! Register today!
Virtual Benefit and Celebratory Kick-off — October 1st

Join us for a virtual celebration Sun., Oct. 1, 4:30 – 6:30 pm PT on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89552181103?pwd=dGJjb2ZJRG4xYW9IcUU0NUVXZExzZ…
Come raise your glass to toast ITP International and the ITP community and help us kick-off our live golf event the next day. At our online event we honor Michael Murphy and George Leonard’s creation of ITP and our practice community.
- Enjoy a panel on the extraordinary with Michael Murphy and PGA Pros Bobby Clampett, Marianne Huning and Mark Lye
- Experience uplifting integral practices led by ITP Mastery teachers
- Participate in our live auction hosted by Rachel Hamilton, ITPI board member and Improv teacher
- Support ITP International to advance the adventure of ITP for our community and the world!
Free to all and consider donating what you can.
Live Golf Event at TPC Harding Park — October 2nd
2023 marks ITPI's 13th year hosting Golf in the Kingdom, our annual golf fundraising event. Come be part of the extraordinary experience on the greens!
Event highlights
- Experiential mystery holes to expand your horizon and create greater stability and ease
- Opportunity to be in the fresh outdoors, commune with nature and connect with your 4-some
- Learn tips for tuning into your inner guidance and refining your game
- Win prizes and enjoy the chance to visit with Michael Murphy and play with a pro
- Play PGA-level greens at Harding Park, with extensive upgrades with a recently renovated driving range
Special event, Sept 25, 9 – 10:30 am PDT – Conversation with Michael Murphy, Champions Tour Player and National Sports Commentator, Bobby Clampett and PGA pros Mark Lye and Marianne Huning.
Special event, Sept 8, 9 – 10:15 am PDT – Conversation with Michael Murphy, Sara Yarmer, PGA and Ben Kline, Shivas Irons Society
Listen to recording | View Q&A from the session
As part of this year's Golf in the Kingdom Celebration, enjoy ITP International's discount week at Sports Basement 9/22 to 10/1
View and download the discount flyer.
“At the conclusion of the Golf in the Kingdom tournament, Michael and I began a discussion on golf, sport and the mind, soul, spirit, body connection that leads one to optimum performance. We hit a new ceiling the following night at dinner that lasted into the wee hours. All of us got insights into why famous coaches like Bill Walsh (SF 49ers 3 Superbowls), Phil Jackson (11 NBA Championships), Pete Carroll (2005 National Championship at USC and now Seattle Seahawks Head Coach) have brought Michael into their inner circle and created a winning recipe.” — Bobby Clampett, Champions Tour Player and National Sports Commentator
Sponsor a Player

Gift a day of extraordinary golf!
Sponsor a golfer participating in the event. Any amount given is significant.
Register to Play with a Pro
Most golfers dream of getting tips from a pro. Here is your chance to spend an entire round of golf receiving instruction from one of golf’s best Champions Tour players, Bobby Clampett, one of golf’s greatest teaching pros, Fred Shoemaker and World Long Drive Champion, Eric Jones, 5-time PGA Tour Winner and other pros. Give yourself a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and experience some “ah-ha” moments as our guest pros share their lore of the game.
Golf in the Kingdom proceeds support
Integral Transformative Practice® (ITP)
ITP cultivates personal and professional high-performance and brings forward one’s potential for positive contribution in the world. Created by Michael Murphy and George Leonard, ITP is a daily practice that transforms the whole person over time. ITP International, the non-profit that stewards ITP, offers mastery teacher training programs, products, workshops and consulting services for individuals, teams and organizations.
“Golf in the Kingdom was a joy! We were treated to tips for the spirit, and the swing, and the wonderful conduits between them. The company was great, the laughter frequent, the learning deep, the hospitality sincere...most definitely I’ll be back!” — Cinder Warren, Managing Director, Vespra Hills Golf Club, Ontario, Canada
“I had a wonderful time playing golf at the Golf in the Kingdom event! I had never played golf before and I was a little apprehensive that my inexperience would inconvenience the other players in my foursome.
The rounds were organized in such a way that this was no problem at all. There was no competition between the members of my team. They gave me wonderful golf lessons, better than anything I could have purchased from a pro-shop. By the end of the day I was driving balls onto the green! I’ll never forget the feeling I had the first time I connected solidly with the ball! POW!
The day was an exciting and rewarding experience from start to finish. Many thanks to all who contributed their time and energy to make it that way.” — Charlotte Hatch, ITP Mastery Teacher
“After 30 years of my intention to study at Esalen Institute, I finally got there a year ago. When I returned home, I received an invitation to participate in the ITPI Golf in the Kingdom Tournament. (ITPI was co-founded by Michael Murphy, who also co-founded Esalen.) I had no idea how synchronistic this event would be in my life. I got to meet Michael Murphy, he signed my copy of Golf in the Kingdom and then my foursome won the tournament. It was a miracle!” — Tom Lewis, ITP Mastery & Integral Leadership member, business owner
Cancellation Policy: If golf tournament is canceled due to weather or other events, player will receive a refund if ITPI receives a refund based on the course policy in place at that time, otherwise, if a player cancels by September 1, 2023, 75% of registration fee will be refunded. After September 1, 2023, there are no refunds, unless in case of medical emergency with documentation from a doctor. If a player is a “no-show,” refunds will not be given.