Choose remaining Parts 2, or 3
March 10, 17, & 24, and May 31 & June 1
How can we draw power from the ground for the energy we need to greet life with a hopeful and helpful spirit? When grounded, we can cultivate an inner calm, openheartedness, and responsiveness to whatever arises. Our connection to the ground gives us stability, presence, a sense of wonder and purpose.
Facilitated by ITP Mastery teachers, Ground Your Life Through Practice consists of 3 separate series, each designed as a stepping stone, one to the next, for exploring ITP essentials and crafting your practice, envisioning and affirming the future you, and using your conscious intentions to create positive change. The flexible format allows you to choose the full program or each series individually.
Step on the path with us to discover a grounded integral practice or to renew yours!

From the Ground Up - series complete
February 10, 17 & 24 | 8–11 am PT
Create and shape your practice to align with the life you aspire. Uncover the power of ITP's 9 core practice intentions to ground you in living a balanced, vital, healthy life. Learn about the positive physiological changes you can experience in practicing the ITP Kata. Feel the energy and joy exploring practice with others.

On the Ground Running
March 10, 17 & 24 | 8–11 am PT
Activate your practice with a clear focus on the growth you are seeking. Through a set of visualization practices, harness the essence of your transformation by crafting affirmations that reflect the future you. Identify what needs to be released for new growth to emerge. Engage in lively practices to reinforce your growth in a supportive community setting.

Grounding Through Change
May 31 & June 1 | 8 am to Noon PT
Explore the natural cycle of change, what nurtures and what impedes growth. Reflect on changes you have made in your life, and how you navigated through obstacles and discovered new terrain. Learn new methods for addressing resistance to change. Using your practice toolkit, customize a plan for staying connected to your practice and with others on the path.
Registration Options
The flexible program format allows you to choose the full program, or to choose an individual series or two. Each of the series, led by ITP Mastery teachers, is designed to guide you as you craft your practice to suit you, imagine your future self, and keep your practice alive to realize the lasting changes you want in your life.
- Attend individual series at the regular fee (members receive a 10% discount)