Ki of Cooperation Conversations

Navigating the Geopolitical Landscape

Remaining dates: July 31 and September 25

Online Event via Zoom

Starting Wednesday, March 27 on Zoom, we will delve into the intricate interplay between our personal experiences and the world condition.

Each conversation will revolve around one of the four perspectives of Cooperation: Self, Another, Community, and World. By exploring how geopolitical dynamics impact us on various levels - body, mind, heart, and soul - we can develop the skills to navigate the complexities in the geopolitical landscape with confidence, grace, and wisdom.

Please RSVP today and mark your calendar to join us for our upcoming session. We look forward to being in practice together. See you soon!

In the spirit of conversation,

Ann Horn, Charlotte Hatch, Pam Kramer, Armando Cardenas and Roger Marsh

The Ki of Cooperation Conversations Team

Here's what you can to expect:

  • Exploration: Each conversation will explore the theme from one of the four perspectives of Cooperation (Self, Another, Community, World). Participants will be invited to choose a specific aspect of the geopolitical landscape and explore its impact on body, mind, heart, and soul. We'll then offer practices to skillfully navigate these areas.
  • Featured Practices: Each session will include a featured practice designed to empower and instill confidence in participants to help navigate their chosen area skillfully.
  • Safe, Empowering Space: Our intention is to provide a safe and empowering environment for participants to engage mindfully with the world's disruptions and possibilities. We encourage open exploration without judgment or preconceived solutions.


Ann Horn

Ann Horn has been an ITP practitioner since 2011 when she was introduced to the practice at a conference in San Francisco. She decided there and then to bring it back to Sweden, her home country, where she started ITP Sweden, and has since attended other ITP trainings in the US and online. Ann is a business consultant focusing on sustainability. A big part of her life revolves around nature conservation, dogs and other animals and ways to live life in line with earth’s natural rhythms and boundaries.

Charlotte Hatch

Charlotte Hatch, a dedicated practitioner of ITP, has been practicing ITP since its inception in 1991 when she was a member of George and Michael’s “experimental group.” She is an ITP Mastery teacher, founder of ITP San Francisco in 2006 and is a 5th-degree black belt in Aikido. Charlotte has been instrumental in the design and implementation of the Mastery, Integral Leadership and the Ki of Cooperation trainings and leads workshops in LET and ITP. Charlotte leads our Annual ITP Practice Challenge.

Pam Kramer

Pam Kramer is President of ITP International, the non-profit organization that stewards ITP and the work of its founders, George Leonard and Michael Murphy. Pam is an ITP Mastery teacher, is on the faculty of Esalen Institute and presents workshops at venues in the US and abroad. She is engaged in training ITP teachers, helping to form ITP groups and bringing integral principles and practices to the workplace. Pam is a performance consultant and executive coach with 30 years' consulting experience for organizations and entrepreneurs in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Armando Cardenas

Armando Cardenas is an ITPI member and dedicated practitioner, blending his ITP practice with the  SantMat 'science of the soul' meditation practice he began in 2012. Residing in León, Mexico, Armando, a social entrepreneur, developed his own brand of vegetarian Mexican food (Iskal), based on the concept of conscious business, the power of community and universal cooperation. His curiosity, drive and ability to self-educate garnered attention from one of the fastest-growing fintech companies in the SF Bay Area, where he serves as a CyberSec data engineer.

Roger Marsh

Roger Kenneth Marsh is committed to evolving humanity to a more peaceful, joyful, and love-based state. He has been practicing ITP since 2004 when he helped establish and lead ITP Walnut Creek in Northern California. Roger continued developing his leadership through all ITP Mastery programs since 2008, co-leading ITP Group Leader gatherings since 2012, and co-facilitating the Integral Leadership Mastery Program since 2018. Through his own company Beyond Belief, Roger is a leadership coach opening the hearts and minds of leaders around the world.