ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2023

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2023

ITP is not a "one size fits all practice." How do you live your practice?

The Body as Teacher - Living an Extraordinary Life excerpt (blog post) - Read about how ITP honors the body as an amazing teacher and guide.

Messages from the Body (blog post) - Lucy Piper shares her experience of walking 10 to 15 miles a day on the Camino de Santiago in northwestern Spain to commemorate her 80th birthday.

The Ever Developing Mind - Living an Extraordinary Life excerpt (blog post) - ITP addresses the mind with the inclusion of intellectual development as one of its core practice intentions and emphasizes the value of lifelong learning.

Messages from the Mind (blog post) - Learn how one practitioner notices the transformation of activity through his mind and how his philosophy informs his practice and the growth that flows from there.

Connections through the Heart - Living an Extraordinary Life excerpt (blog post) - When we speak of the heart in ITP, we are referring primarily to our emotional nature, but also to the intelligence of the heart.

Messages from the Heart (blog post) - Thanks to her ITP practice, Charlotte Hatch took notice of her heart's messages, in a grocery store, of all places.

Powers of the Soul - Living an Extraordinary Life excerpt (blog post) - ITP's view of the soul -- the deepest part of our being; a part of us that is as essential as the body, mind, and heart; a part of us and yet beyond them all.

Messages from the Soul (blog post) - ITP Teacher, Roger Marsh writes about the brilliance of ITP's integral model with the soul speaking and living through body, mind, and heart in an interplay that informs our lives.

Integrating Body, Mind, Heart and Soul - Living an Extraordinary Life excerpt (blog post) - Read about how the staying current practice prompts us to pay equal attention to all aspects—the totality of who we are – to mine our deeper truths for self-understanding, growth, and mindful action.


Community Spotlight - Matthew Steinbach, ITPI member (blog post) - Learn more about Matthew Steinbach and how ITP has brought new insights to his daily life and his role as a coach to student-athletes.

The Impact of ITP on the Researcher (blog post) - Read about how examining ITP and its effect on its practitioners took Josh Brahinsky, a psychological anthropologist, beyond academia.

ITP at the Drawing Table (blog post) - Artist and practitioner Rich Sigberman shares what he's noticed how the ITP practice can gift us with benefits in large and small ways.

Complete ITPI Fall 2023 Newsletter

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By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer, Lucy Piper, Max Gaenslen, Charlotte Hatch, Roger Marsh, Josh Brahinsky, Rich Sigberman