ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2024

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2024

In our Spring issue, we unpack and explore the practice of GRACE. A simple personal exercise with profound outcomes! How does this practice support you in your life?

GRACE: It's More than an Acronym (blog post)- ITPI board member and co-author of Living an Extraordinary Life Christina Grote talks about how ITP practices open us up to grace.

It Begins with GROUND (blog post) - ITP practitioner Dusty Niles describes how grounding activates a source of energy alive within us all. It also activates imagination and so much more.

Relaxing in Extraordinary Times (blog post) - Armando Cardenas, of ITP México, describes what RELAX feels like for him and how its effects ripple through his daily life.

AWARE: Lessons for the Athlete (blog post) - ITP practitioner Matthew Steinbach takes what he’s gleaned about awareness for the Kata and endeavors to pass it on to his students of golf.

CENTER in the Practice of GRACE (blog post) - Lois Martin, member of Tulsa ITP, considers how centering creates a sense of balance and harmony.

Energized Presence and the Practice of GRACE (blog post) - The last step of GRACE at the beginning of the Kata is ENERGIZE. ITPI member Jill Robinson describes it as “a calm, yet alert sense of aliveness.”

Gifts from GRACE (blog post) - The practice of GRACE before the Kata sometimes runs through our minds automatically. But greater gifts come with closer examination. ITP Mastery Teacher Charlotte Hatch takes us step-by-step through the best of her practice and reflects on how it affects her life.

Demonstration of GRACE & the Kata (video) - Charlotte Hatch leads the practice of GRACE as a series of affirmations and follows it with the Kata.

When a Grace is Given (video) - ITP co-founder Michael Murphy answers a question about meditation and GRACE.

Community Spotlight on Rudy Collins (blog post) - Learn how ITP practices benefit daily life for ITPI board member Rudy Collins. He points out that transformation does not always come as a quantum change. “I have come to realize that transformation, for me, tends to occur from sustained and consistent practice of sometimes small acts.”

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By Christina Grote, Dusty Niles, Armando Cardenas, Matthew Steinbach, Lois Martin, Jill Robinson, Charlotte Hatch, Rudy Collins