Our potential for realizing extraordinary capacities for personal and social transformation
This third issue of our 2022 quarterly newsletter centers on the theme of our potential for realizing extraordinary capacities for personal and social transformation.
Personal Sharing On Extraordinary Capacities from Annie Leonard (video) - Annie Styron Leonard shares her neurological transformation and how it relates to our personal and societal evolution.
Poetry and the Further Reaches of Our Potential: A Conversation with Bob Doenges - Bob Doenges shares some insights from his practice, particularly his extraordinary capacity to retain and recite poetry.
Book Excerpt from Living an Extraordinary Life: The Magic of Integral Transformative Practice - Authors Christina Grote and Pam Kramer explore new territory and creative methods of transformation within our living, evolving practice.
Supernormalities of Everyday Life: Noticing the Glimmering Potential of Your Extraordinary Capacities - Drawn from Chapter Four of The Future of the Body by Michael Murphy entitled The Supernormalities of Everyday Life, this document includes an inventory that can bring to consciousness unusual events you may have dismissed without recognizing them as the glimmerings of extraordinary capacities.
Drawing Your Affirmation (video)- In this GLEE session, ITP practitioner Rich Sigberman, guides you in creating a visual representation of one of your affirmations.
ITP Community Spotlight on Michelle Fontaine - Learn more about Michelle Fontaine and the experience and insight she's gained as a long-time practitioner and member of ITP San Rafael.
Swinging Around Center: Mystery, Mastery and Demystification - Jamie Leno Zimron, known as The Golf & Leadership Sensei, creator of The Centered Way Inc. and KiAi Golf, shares her extraordinary experiences on the golf course to get you inspired to join us for our 12th annual Golf in the Kingdom event and a mystical day on the greens.
Complete ITPI Summer 2022 Newsletter