ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2024

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2024

ITPI's Ki of Cooperation practice is featured in this newsletter to provide greater insight and practical tools for navigating the astonishing times we experience as citizens of planet Earth today.

Finding Flow in Challenging Moments: The Ki of Cooperation Conversations (blog post) - ITP teacher & KoC team leader, Ann Horn, discusses the benefits of The Ki of Cooperation Conversation series, free and open to the public.

The Ki of Cooperation Meets the Holomovement (video) - Pam Kramer visits with Emanuel Kuntzelman & Mariko Pitts to discuss The Holomovement, a sociological and spiritual consciousness movement emerging around the world.

Cooperation Within: The Foundation (blog post) - Armando Cardenas, KoC team and ITPI member writes about how the The Ki of Cooperation is vital in many situations, especially within yourself. Internal harmony is the foundation upon which all other forms of cooperation are built. But what exactly does "cooperation within" mean, and why is it so vital?

Cooperation with Another: Through a Partner's Eyes (blog post) - Charlotte Hatch, ITP teacher & KoC team member, shares her personal insights, gained through the lens of her Aikido and ITP studies and practice, about cooperation with another person--how it can be challenging during a brief encounter or throughout a lifetime, but also can be transformative.

Cooperation with Community: Navigating the Complexities (blog post) - Ann Horn, ITP teacher & KoC team leader, writes about what makes cooperation in a community different from cooperating with just one other person, and as the number of participants grows, so do the intricacies and challenges of maintaining effective cooperation.

Cooperation in the World: As Big or as Small as you Like (blog post) - Roger Marsh, ITP teacher & KoC team member, talks about how the Ki of Cooperation infinitely expands its reach into the world around us.

The Power of Community (blog post) - Ann Horn, ITP teacher & KoC team leader, writes about how a community of practice is more than just a gathering of like-minded individuals--it’s a dynamic, living entity where people come together with a shared commitment to learning, growing and supporting one another, opening the possibility to build deep connections, share invaluable resources and develop a rich, shared practice through sustained interaction and mutual respect.

The Ki of Cooperation in Practice (blog post) - Ann Horn, ITP teacher & KoC team leader, shares her experience on how gaining insights during a facilitated exercise can make a difference in everyday life and the key to making that happen.

LET: Getting Off the Line (video) - Join Charlotte Hatch, ITP teacher & KoC team member, as she shares a Leonard Energy Training exercise--“Get Off the Line”--to help us achieve cooperation with another.

LET: Soft Eyes (video) - Join Charlotte Hatch, ITP Mastery teacher & KoC team member, as she leads us through the “soft eyes” exercise that helps us to experience the world beyond an agenda.

Community Spotlight on Matthew Cobb, ITPI member & KoC graduate (blog post) -  Dr. Matthew Cobb started his professional ministry in The Episcopal Church (TEC) where he served as campus minister, community organizer, healthcare chaplain, development officer, parish priest, indigenous missioner, leadership developer and spiritual director. Learn how ITP and Ki of Cooperation play an important role in his personal and professional life.

Complete ITPI Summer 2024 Newsletter

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By Ann Horn, Emanuel Kuntzelman, Pam Kramer, Armando Cardenas, Charlotte Hatch, Roger Marsh, Matthew Cobb