The questions sparking curiosity in this issue are: What does generosity mean to you? How do you experience generosity in your integral being, in your relationships, and as you engage in the world? Enjoy exploring the articles and clips on what generosity means to others and also for you.
The Science of Generosity (blog post) - the John Templeton Foundation provides a high-altitude overview of more than 350 studies and meta-studies published in nearly 200 refereed publications between 1971 and 2017 that answer many important questions on this topic.
Generosity with Self (blog post) - Pam Kramer, ITPI Board member and ITP teacher, shares her take on Generosity with self – how we can be more dedicated to giving to others and overlook the importance of tending to our own needs, and how generosity with self is essential to transform, especially through our ITP practice.
Generosity in Relationship (blog post) - Sally Isaacs, ITPI newsletter coordinator and member, shares her thoughts on how generosity with another can take place in everyday situations.
Generosity within Community (blog post) - read how Robert Doenges, ITPI Board and ITP Tulsa group member, has witnessed and experienced generosity within ITPI community.
Generosity in the World (blog post) - Michael Choy, ITP Palo Alto group member, explains how his “excessive volunteering” is deeply connected to honoring his father. In an effort to become more balanced, vital, and healthy, he poses some questions for all of us.
Affirming Generosity as a Transformative Practice (blog post) - Barry Robbins, ITPI Board member and ITP teacher, shares how the practice of affirming generosity serves as a powerful catalyst for positive change and collective growth.
My Thoughts About Generosity (blog post) - Rich Sigberman, ITP San Rafael group member, answers questions about the purpose of generosity from his perspective. Isn’t thinking “me, first” a major part of survival, and isn’t survival what every thought and action boils down to? Why, then, bother being generous?
It's Time for Infectious Generosity – A TED Talk – Learn a new way to think about generosity from Chris Anderson, the curator at TED, the nonprofit organization that provides idea-based TED Talks.
Giving and Receiving in the Kata (blog post/video) – Pam Kramer showcases Rowing from the ITP Kata
Generosity Assessment (blog post/PDF) – Each of us has a unique relationship with generosity with room to grow to reach our potential for generosity. Take a look at this Generosity Assessment and start making positive changes.
10 Steps for Generosity with Yourself (blog post) – It may not feel easy to be generous with yourself. Many of us feel that our energy should be directed toward giving generously to others. Yet, when we nurture ourselves, we can be more available for others. Generosity with self begins with self-love. Here are ten steps to self-love by author Josephine Laing.
Cultivating Evolutionary Love (blog post) – Our feelings of generosity toward others can be enhanced by cultivating Evolutionary Love. One way to develop evolutionary love is by sending blessings. Here is some helpful guidance.
Community Spotlight on Rachel Hamilton, ITPI Board member and ITP member (blog post)– Learn more about Rachel Hamilton and the ways that a "bad boyfriend" experience opened her life to an ITP practice that enhances her life, and hear what generosity means to her.