ITP Weekly Kata Sessions – on Zoom

Mondays, 8–9:00 am, Mondays, 4:00–5:15 pm and Thursdays, 4:00–5:15 pm Pacific
Online Event via Zoom

Join us in practicing the ITP Kata together on Mondays and Thursdays. This offering, led by ITP teachers, is extended to members of our community and newcomers to provide connection, support and sustenance. What's great about the Kata is that you can practice it anywhere, in this case, the comfort of your own home.

If you are not a current member or new to ITP and you would like to receive reminders for our weekly Kata sessions, click here and sign up for our weekly Kata announcements.

Join Monday session 1 at 8:00–9:00 am PT:…

Meeting ID: 841 2165 0695  |  Password: 669442

Join ITP Houston Group Monday open session 2 at 4:00–5:15 pm PT:

Meeting ID: 559 417 7946  |  Password: ITP

Join Thursday session at 4:00–5:15 pm PT:

Meeting ID: 104 288 661  |  Password: 098767

After the Kata, we continue with a 15-minute period of personal sharing about your experience of the Kata, your practice and anything else you wish to share. Click here for ITP Personal Sharing Guidelines.

Note: For current ITPI Members, links for the online weekly Katas are also listed on the member resources page for your convenient access (login to view).

See you online!

ITP Kata Leaders & Hosts - partial list

Kim Lee

Kim Lee, MAIR, PCC, unlocks your potential to lead, through action learning. She works with ITPI as a Mastery teacher. She is the founder of Labyrinth Leadership Group, a for-cause organization helping navigate leadership challenges. A leadership coach, Kim has 25 years of experience in leadership development.


Roger Marsh

Roger Kenneth Marsh is committed to evolving humanity to a more peaceful, joyful, and love-based state. He has been practicing ITP since 2004 when he helped establish and lead ITP Walnut Creek in Northern California. Roger continued developing his leadership through all ITP Mastery programs since 2008, co-leading ITP Group Leader gatherings since 2012, and co-facilitating the Integral Leadership Mastery Program since 2018. Through his own company Beyond Belief, Roger is a leadership coach opening the hearts and minds of leaders around the world.

Donita Decker

Donita Decker has been an ITP practitioner for over 20 years. As well as being an ITP teacher, Donita has assisted with ITP and LET workshops in the Bay Area and at Esalen Institute. Donita is the co-leader of the ITPI Evolving You membership program that brings together ITP members from around the globe to share learning and insights about the evolutionary journey. Donita founded and is co-leader of the ITP group in San Rafael, CA. She is a Blue Belt in Nia and has an MBA in Healthcare Administration.

Charlotte Hatch

Charlotte Hatch, a dedicated practitioner of ITP, has been practicing ITP since its inception in 1991 when she was a member of George and Michael’s “experimental group.” She is an ITP Mastery teacher, founder of ITP San Francisco in 2006 and is a 5th-degree black belt in Aikido. Charlotte has been instrumental in the design and implementation of the Mastery, Integral Leadership and the Ki of Cooperation trainings and leads workshops in LET and ITP. Charlotte leads our Annual ITP Practice Challenge.

Pam Kramer

Pam Kramer is President of ITP International, the non-profit organization that stewards ITP and the work of its founders, George Leonard and Michael Murphy. Pam is an ITP Mastery teacher, is on the faculty of Esalen Institute and presents workshops at venues in the US and abroad. She is engaged in training ITP teachers, helping to form ITP groups and bringing integral principles and practices to the workplace. Pam is a performance consultant and executive coach with 30 years' consulting experience for organizations and entrepreneurs in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Barbara Brown

Barbara Brown is a Marin County-based transformational leader with over 30 years of experience in leading nonprofit schools and organizations. She is passionate about helping others to achieve their potential. She is an ITP teacher and co-leader. She received her M.A. from Stanford University and her doctorate in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy from Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Barbara is currently writing a book, The Transformative Practice of Dance, honoring her love of dance.

Ken Piper

Ken Piper stepped on the ITP path with Bob Doenges’s leadership and then joined Lucy in sustaining and growing the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Tuesday and Thursday ITP groups. Completing Mastery in 2014, he supported production of two subsequent Tulsa Mastery in the Heartland programs and six Tulsa ITP workshops, most recently in Fall 2021. During the past two years, Ken guided live virtual Kata sessions, five times per week in 2020 and twice per week since mid 2021. ITP was a bridge to retirement after an Internal Medicine career.

Lucy Piper

Lucy Piper has practiced ITP since 2008 and leads the ITP groups in Tulsa. She developed her leadership skills by attending two cycles of Mastery in the Bay Area. Her appreciation of the depth in that program led her to be instrumental in bringing Mastery to the Heartland. Lucy is a life-long learner and is passionate about facilitating learning for herself and others. She has a BA in Philosophy and a MS in Curriculum and Instruction. Before retiring in 2013, she taught for thirty years, mostly in the elementary grades.

Sally Mahé

Sally Mahé has been a dedicated ITP practitioner for over 10 years and has been able to incorporate ITP into her work as a founding staff person of United Religions Initiative, where she has held senior staff positions for over 20 years. Sally formerly served as Director of Organizational Development and Director of Global Programs, working primarily with regional staff across the world. Sally co-authored The Birth of a Global Community in 2003, and is co-author of A Greater Democracy Day by Day, and the Law in Action Series.

This program is presented and sponsored by ITP International, a 501(c)3 educational non-profit formed in 2005 to steward Integral Transformative Practice and the work of its founders, George Leonard and Michael Murphy.

Integral Transformative Practice (ITP) is a well-researched program designed to help people realize their greater capacities and awaken the world to its fullest potential. ITP supports positive growth and healthy change of individuals, groups and organizations through dedicated, comprehensive practice, over time.