Here, we are providing a space for you to share your stories. Sharing stories of transformation and extraordinary or unusual experiences with others is an important and valuable practice. It can serve to anchor those experiences within our own consciousness as well as to encourage others to recognize and share their own. Feel free to share any transformative experiences that are meaningful to you, such as transformations related to working with affirmations. Stories can include personal transformation, anomalous experiences that defy explanation, or experiences that reflect the supernormal capacities that Murphy wrote about in The Future of the Body and we describe in the book. These can be dreams and visions as well as physical experiences.
The more we share, the more we may find that experiences we think are extraordinary are more common than we suppose. Others are having them too. Since we are interconnected, as we share our stories, we add to the world’s knowledge base of the extraordinary. Hold your experiences lightly with a sense of detachment and stay humble. We are like toddlers taking baby steps into vast new horizons.
Sharing our stories over time will help to normalize these experiences, and eventually, our society may come to accept and nourish our greater potentials. In a sense, all of you who venture into this territory are part of a new experimental group, a network spread out across the globe, engaging with ITP toward the cultivation of our natural capacities, ordinary and extraordinary, as we move together into our evolutionary frontier.