Pam Kramer

Pam Kramer

Pam Kramer is President of ITP International, the non-profit organization that stewards ITP and the work of its founders, George Leonard and Michael Murphy. Pam is an ITP Mastery teacher, is on the faculty of Esalen Institute and presents workshops at venues in the US and abroad. She is engaged in training ITP teachers, helping to form ITP groups and bringing integral principles and practices to the workplace. Pam is a performance consultant and executive coach with 30 years' consulting experience for organizations and entrepreneurs in the San Francisco Bay Area.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2018

In this winter issue, we focus on "the budding limbs and organs of our supernature," as Michael Murphy describes our supernormal capacities in The Future of the Body and other works. Enjoy what our writers have to say about our evolving nature.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2017

Enjoy the articles related to love and the practice of the extraordinary in this issue. We dedicate this newsletter to the power of love and its capacity to heal and help us to flourish.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2015

In this issue, Michael Murphy honors George, their friendship and the impact he had on the lives of so many. Also read about the "Surprising Power of Joy," "Embodied Affirmations in ITP," and perspectives "On Vision" and "Integral Fitness." And Pam Kramer shares why Charlotte Hatch is a central figure of ITP and her being honored at ITPI's annual For the Love fundraising event.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2014

Enjoy reading about the "fruits of accomplishment" with our initiative to bring Mastery teachers to ITP groups for specialized trainings and support. Learn about our recent LET customized program for clients from Japan, a testament to our teaching team and ITPI's consulting expertise. Alos, take in highlights from our wonderful Chicago events with our Greenheart partners.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2014

In this issue, we feature how our extraordinary nature is built right into our animal bodies and how our evolving practice sets the stage for realizing our budding supernature. Read how ITPI chair Christina Grote offers a glimpse of the vision of human development outlined in Michael Murphy's The Future of the Body and how George Leonard profiles the human brain in his 2008 Human Potential Chronicles. Also, enjoy learning how Leadership Transformed 2014 presenters Penney Peirce and Rachel Hamilton impart inventive and playful ways to greet others with curiosity, empathy and compassion - all extraordinary capacities at our fingertips.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2014

ITP Houston's Jerry Patchen shares his thoughtful words about Lydia Dugan, who he considers to be "Houston's First Lady of Transformation" and who was ITP's For the Love Fundraiser Honoree. Lydia shares her insights on "The Importance of Practice" and read a perspective on a unique gathering in Sedona to explore how to transform the planet.

Pioneers of Practice: Honoring the Work of George and Annie Leonard

In this intimate session, Wendy Palmer, Joel Kirsch and Pam Kramer reflect on their years of friendship and collaboration with George and Annie Leonard. The panel, moderated by Barry Robbins, discusses how their lives and work were touched and forever changed by George and Annie.