Each session in the Ki of Cooperation series offers a unique, co-created experience where participants can explore and lean into challenges within a safe and supportive environment. The conversations revolve around the four perspectives of Cooperation: Self, Another, Community and World. By examining how challenges impact us on various levels—body, mind, heart and soul—we develop the skills to navigate life's complexities with confidence, grace and wisdom.
Facilitators guide these sessions, creating a welcoming environment where everyone is seen, heard and honored for their perspectives.
The heart of the session is an inquiry about a particular topic, focusing on the experience of ki, or life force. Each session introduces a featured practice designed to empower and instill confidence in participants, helping them navigate their chosen area skillfully. The experience concludes with reflection and writing, personal sharing in breakout sessions with a practice partner and a large group share.
Our intention is to provide a safe and empowering environment for participants to engage mindfully. We encourage open exploration without judgment or preconceived solutions.
2024 Series: Navigating the Geopolitical Landscape
The overarching theme for the 2024 series is Navigating the Geopolitical Landscape, offering opportunities for inward exploration on how we relate to the current global as well as personal challenges in our lives.
The first session was held in March and focused on Cooperation Within, exploring how we extend our energy into the world and how we receive energy from the world around us.
In May we came together for the second session to explore Cooperation with Another. Our practice helped gaining insights into our feelings and needs when cooperating with others, and to find creative ways to blend energies to find better solutions.
During our third session in July we explored the perspective of Cooperation in Community and addressed how even more complexities of collaboration can be navigated with an integral awareness and mindset.
The final session for 2024 is on September 25, where we reach even further to gain insight into Cooperation in the World.
The Ki of Cooperation Conversations are free to attend and open to the public. Come join us and feel free to share this invitation in your community.