The Ki of Cooperation

ITP Community Spotlight on Rudy Collins

By Rudy Collins, Sally Isaacs
Learn how ITP practices benefit daily life for ITPI board member Rudy Collins. He points out that transformation does not always come as a quantum change. “I have come to realize that transformation, for me, tends to occur from sustained and consistent practice of sometimes small acts.”

ITP Spotlight on Rachel Hamilton

By Rachel Hamilton, Sally Isaacs
Learn more about Rachel Hamilton and the ways that a "bad boyfriend" experience opened her life to an ITP practice that enhances her life. Read what generosity means to her. “Generosity is the impulse to share what I have with others. I particularly love to share my spaces and my energy to create sweet gatherings. Vitamin C(onnection) is something we all need, and I love being the person to create the space for us to be with one another and be alive with one another, whether it be to share joy or to process grief.”

ITP Community Spotlight on Matthew Steinbach

By Matthew Steinbach, Sally Isaacs
Learn more about Matthew Steinbach and how ITP has brought new insights to his daily life and his role as a coach to student-athletes. “I firmly believe we are on the edge of cultural transition towards integral transformative practice. My work with the younger generations leaves me full of promise and optimism.”

ITP Community Spotlight on Judith Closson

By Judith Closson, Sally Isaacs
Each ITP newsletter spotlights a member of the ITP community so that they can share some insight into their practice and the role ITP plays in their life. This newsletter, with its theme of ITP Worldview, shines a light on Judith Closson. Judith is a longtime ITP member, in-person at Mill Valley and via Zoom from Washington state. Judith has participated in many programs over the years, including Ki of Cooperation. She eloquently expresses how ITP strengthens her connections to the world around her.

The Ki of Cooperation - An ITP Online Community

By Ann Horn
Thanks to technology, the Ki of Cooperation is a community group with members from all over of the world. The space may be virtual, but the community is real. Ann writes, "We believe in a community of practice. Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern and learn how to do better as they interact regularly. In our case, the common concern is to cultivate harmony through skillful cooperation across boundaries."