I’m in awe of what can be discovered and realized while in practice within our supportive ITP community. I can’t count the number of times I have had an “aha” moment or have awakened to a new perspective that was sparked by a thoughtful question, an LET exercise or during a group share with a “perfect partner.” These exchanges have set in motion many new chapters and creative milestones in my life that I don’t believe could have occurred on my own.
ITP provides the tools and resources to set off on a path toward our full potential. I resonate deeply with the words in The Life We Are Given: “We believe that society could find no better primary intention, no more appropriate compass course for its programs and policies, than the realization of every citizen’s positive potential.”
Realizing our full potential or sense of purpose, however, is not meant to be experienced in a vacuum. ITP’s 9th Core Practice Intention is a reminder of evolving ourselves in service of our human family. It reads: “I look for ways to be of service, supporting the evolution of humankind toward a more balanced, peaceful, and joyful condition. I contribute in whatever way I can to the well-being of our planet and all of life.”
This intention reminds us that while we are each on a personal journey, we have a shared responsibility to uplift and nurture the world around us. It’s this vision that ties in so beautifully with another community I’m deeply connected with: the Holomovement.
The Holomovent is a social movement that awakens us to our interconnectedness, igniting a critical mass of collaborative action serving the good of the whole. As both an ITP practitioner and Holomovement steward, I have the opportunity to explore ways I can contribute my sense of potential and purpose for the greater good.
What’s exciting about witnessing this blossoming partnership between ITPI and the Holomovement is the positive feedback loop this collaboration creates. ITP lays the groundwork and offers the tools that help each of us to show up with intention and attention, as well as compassion. When I’m in practice with the ITP community, I feel my body, mind, heart and soul softening and opening to possibility. It is a space I feel held and safe, a prerequisite for the curiosity and wonder needed to be able to connect and build trusting relationships.
When we are able to authentically move through the world in this way, we can better collaborate in partnership with meaning and generosity to positively impact our communities and larger global family. ITP is a practice that helps us hone and awaken to our individual leadership skills and gifts. The Holomovement invites us into a joyful and creative space to explore how we can use our extraordinary capacities to be in service of the greater good in collaboration with fellow activators.
Intentional collaboration is truly the secret sauce for sustainable transformation. The partnership unfolding between ITPI and the Holomovement through stewardship, workshop offerings at the Holomovement Wave and community member connections brings me joy and hope for these extraordinary times. In collaboration, we can amplify our personal gifts to create a world that works well for all.