Jill Robinson

ITP Spotlight on Partners: The ITPI and Holomovement Collaboration

By Jill Robinson
As each of us is on our personal journey, we have a shared responsibility to uplift the world around us. As ITPI encourages us toward these goals, we are connecting with partner organizations who have the same goals. These include Esalen, the Center for Purposeful Leadership, Evolutionary Sport and the Holomovement. ITP practitioner and Holomovement steward Jill Robinson talks about the ITPI partnership with the Holomovement.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2024

In our Spring issue, we unpack and explore the practice of GRACE. A simple personal exercise with profound outcomes! How does this practice support you in your life?

Energized Presence and the Practice of GRACE

By Jill Robinson
The last step of GRACE at the beginning of the Kata is ENERGIZE. ITPI member Jill Robinson describes it as “a calm, yet alert sense of aliveness.” This energy sets up a readiness for the movements of the Kata. It can also nourish the activities in the rest of the day.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2023

In our summer newsletter, we examine the various facets of the philosophy that shape our practice and learn from contributors about their interpretation of ITP’s worldview.

Embracing Our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanity

By Jill Robinson, Rhiannon Catalyst
Integral Transformative Practice has long embodied an evolutionary worldview “giving context to a practice pointing us toward the realization of our greater capacities.” As Christina Grote and Pam Kramer write in Living an Extraordinary Life: “Humankind is seen as part of a universal evolutionary unfolding, and we each play our unique part in that unfolding. We can experience the joy of being fully ourselves and fully connected to the cosmic movement of which we are an integral part. Who we are and what we do matters!” In the following excerpt, taken from The Holomovement anthology, co-authors Jill Robinson and Rhiannon Catalyst consider why honoring and nurturing our truest selves is critical in our collective transformation.

Stepping on the Path of Integral Leadership

By Jill Robinson
The Integral Leadership Mastery program provides a path of self-discovery, a vision for the future and a close-knit practice community offering wisdom and support. This exploration is aimed at tapping into our extraordinary capacity to produce positive changes in key areas of life. Integral Leadership participants, Dusty Niles and Lisa Wade, share what Integral Leadership means to them and how it is realized in their daily lives.

ITP Community Spotlight on Sally Isaacs

By Sally Isaacs, Jill Robinson
Learn more about Sally Isaacs and the experience and insight she's gained as a practitioner. She shares; "I am inspired by the concept of transformation. Through words and practice, I believe we can change how we feel and the course our life takes each day."

Poetry and the Further Reaches of Our Potential

By Jill Robinson
In our life-long pursuit toward the further reaches of our potential, we must always proceed with that first step. I recently spoke with Bob about his own practice, particularly his extraordinary capacity to retain and recite poetry. As with so many special conversations we’ve had, it was a flow of wisdom punctuated with a poem.

A Practice that Continues to Evolve

By Jill Robinson, Pam Kramer
The notion of evolution applies to both the self-evolution of practitioners and also evolution of the practice itself. Thirty-one years later, the practice lives on because we find it works in wondrous ways, is not a one-size fits all and, mostly, because the practice has evolution built into its DNA.

Personal Practice As Ongoing Transformative Research

By Jill Robinson
Integral Transformative Practice can be visualized as a four-legged stool, with each sturdy leg representing a core value of ITP: theory, practice, community and research. While there is an abundance of resources on the theory guiding ITP, reinforced by an incredibly supportive community in practice, the “research” component can sometimes be overlooked.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Autumn 2021

The power of inquiry and research In this issue, read about the spirit of possibility that launched ITP's first experimental class and the research our co-founders employed to verify ITP efficacy, along with subjective findings.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2021

In our Spring issue, we continue to explore what makes ITP distinctive, generative and ever-evolving. Imagine the practice of ITP as a 4-legged stool with these sturdy legs: theory, practice, community and research. These components are designed to provide a balanced approach for our transformative journey. Let's take a peek at those elements now.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2017

In this issue, we feature the necessity of practice to maintain our balance, agility and well being under extreme pressure. Discover insights from our contributors about the strength derived from staying connected to one's practice and experiencing the support of our global community as we do just that.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2015

The theme for this newsletter is on fitness and the extraordinary experienced in sport. This Summer Issue is dedicated to the extraordinary that can be experienced in sport - all types - including snorkeling, golf, mindful walking and the ITP Kata! Enjoy the afterglow of our Catching Fire conference with a synopsis of the event and 10 key ideas for keeping the flame alive.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2013

In this issue, we focus on leadership----starting with being a powerful leader of our own life and then serving the world from a grounded, centered place. Read about Leadership Transformed, our spirited May retreat at Asilomar, co-sponsored with Greenheart International along with examples of selfless service shared by our members.