Barry Robbins

Barry Robbins

Barry Robbins is Vice President of ITP International. He co-founded Community ITP in Mill Valley, CA, and Palo Alto ITP. Barry is an ITP Mastery teacher and leads workshops at Esalen Institute and other venues in the US. He is a former nationally ranked athlete and heads up the ITPI initiative in the field of sports. He has also taken a lead role in climate change.


ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2024

In this newsletter, we explore George Leonard's favorite word, Generosity, from a variety of angles. Allow yourself to soak in the power of that word and notice what's occurring when generosity is vivid inside you. Enjoy exploring the articles and clips on what generosity means to others and also for you.

Affirming Generosity as a Transformative Practice

By Barry Robbins
Affirmations are one of the most potent practices that ITP offers. They can be a powerful vehicle for transformation. Affirming generosity can come in many forms and offer many enriching benefits.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2021

In our Spring issue, we continue to explore what makes ITP distinctive, generative and ever-evolving. Imagine the practice of ITP as a 4-legged stool with these sturdy legs: theory, practice, community and research. These components are designed to provide a balanced approach for our transformative journey. Let's take a peek at those elements now.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2020

2020 marks our 15th year as a non-profit organization. In honor of this occasion, we spotlight the ITP 9 commitments in this issue, which form the basis for our practice. Enjoy viewing video clips and reading articles submitted by our wonderful ITP teachers, as each reflect on the personal impact of the commitments on their lives.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2019

This issue shines light on the Heart aspect of the integral and the vast power of love - the central impulse of our practice. Our contributors take us on a journey to explore the meaning of love and the challenges we may face opening our hearts.

Supernormal Capacities

Take a deep dive into realizing your supernormal capacities through ITP in this audio presentation by Barry Robbins and Christina Grote, first shared during our January 2015 Group Leader conference call.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2017

In this issue, learn how practitioners and ITP groups experience wonder in their worlds - through art, poetry, the blending of cultures, sacred text and the expansion of the mind.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2016

This issue showcases the relationship of mind and heart. Enjoy learning how our contributors explore the topic from their particular vantage point - be it global transformation, expression of feelings or technologies aimed at supporting heart consciousness.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2016

Read about the "extraordinary" in this issue as well as "Spirituality and the Sporting Life," the making of the LET video, George Leonard's "In the Beginning" in which he talks about the evolution of the human brain.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2015

The theme for this newsletter is on fitness and the extraordinary experienced in sport. This Summer Issue is dedicated to the extraordinary that can be experienced in sport - all types - including snorkeling, golf, mindful walking and the ITP Kata! Enjoy the afterglow of our Catching Fire conference with a synopsis of the event and 10 key ideas for keeping the flame alive.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2014

In this issue, we focus on ways to nurture the body----to honor its wisdom and what it needs to recharge and be nourished. Please take a few moments to learn from our inspiring contributors about the interplay of LET and tango, sustainable fitness, integral practices in the field of sport and a special feature on the wisdom of the body by George Leonard.