Pam Kramer

Pam Kramer

Pam Kramer is President of ITP International, the non-profit organization that stewards ITP and the work of its founders, George Leonard and Michael Murphy. Pam is an ITP Mastery teacher, is on the faculty of Esalen Institute and presents workshops at venues in the US and abroad. She is engaged in training ITP teachers, helping to form ITP groups and bringing integral principles and practices to the workplace. Pam is a performance consultant and executive coach with 30 years' consulting experience for organizations and entrepreneurs in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Gifts of Grounding

By Pam Kramer
Anyone who has done the ITP Kata knows the importance of connecting to the ground. It offers focus and stability before we proceed with our practice and our day. ITPI Mastery Teacher Pam Kramer shares the gifts of grounding in her life.

ITP’s Nine Core Practice Intentions

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
ITP’s nine Core Practice Intentions form the structure of ITP and serve as the roadmap for the journey of transformation of body, mind, heart and soul. They provide constant encouragement to ground us in our daily life and can carry us through difficult times when our energy may waver. The first two ITP Core Practice Intentions focus on autonomy and community – two sides of one coin. While ITP stresses the importance of individuality and free choice, there is grounding power in the support of the ITP community.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2024

ITPI's Ki of Cooperation practice is featured in this newsletter to provide greater insight and practical tools for navigating the astonishing times we experience as citizens of planet Earth today.

Ki of Cooperation Meets the Holomovement

By Pam Kramer
The Holomovement is a sociological and spiritual consciousness movement emerging around the world. While our senses take in the universe in separate segments, the Holomovement perceives the entire universe as instantaneously interconnected by unbounded flow. In an interview with two leaders of the Holomovement, ITPI Board member Emanuel Kuntzelman and Mariko Pitts, we focus on the importance of cooperation in the world today and how the Ki of Cooperation practice plays an important role in the growth of the movement.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2024

In this newsletter, we explore George Leonard's favorite word, Generosity, from a variety of angles. Allow yourself to soak in the power of that word and notice what's occurring when generosity is vivid inside you. Enjoy exploring the articles and clips on what generosity means to others and also for you.

Generosity with Self

By Pam Kramer
Generosity with self is no small feat. We can be more dedicated to giving to others and overlook the importance of tending to our own needs. Generosity with self is essential to transform, especially through our ITP practice. In this essay, Pam Kramer describes her take on the topic.

Giving and Receiving in the Kata

By Pam Kramer
The Ebb and Flow Rowing practice found in the Kata is a wonderful opportunity to visualize generously extending your gifts out to the world and lovingly receiving back. The back-and-forth motion evokes a sense of balance and a purification practice for one’s entire being. Generosity in action as a generous gift to oneself!

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2023

Our fall newsletter focuses on how we live our practice, different for each of us as ITP is not a "one size fits all practice." In this issue, members of our ITP teaching team write about the changes they are awake to in each aspect of their integral being - body, mind, heart, and soul.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2023

Spring is in high bloom here in Northern California, prompting more time outdoors to stretch, garden, connect and soak in the beauty of the season. What awakens inside of you this time of year, wherever you are on our precious planet?

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2023

How can we honor the paradox of both being and becoming? ITP encourages appreciation of who we are now and, at the same time, affirms the positive transformation we seek of our future selves. Both are true. What are you noticing about where you are now and where you want to be in 2023?

The Ever-Developing Mind

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
With our minds, we think, we reason, we learn, we imagine, and we dream. We strategize, make decisions, and set intentions and goals. Through the capacity of self-reflection, the mind provides a sense of personal history and continuity to our lives, the sense of being ourselves… We discern truth from falsehood. We set our intentions for who we want to be in the world and what we want to accomplish in life.

Connections Through the Heart

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
In many cultures the heart was, and still is, considered to be the seat of intelligence and intuition, a special window into the world and its divine nature. When we see with the eyes of heart we can perceive things as they are without judgment. Our perception is filtered through the lens of love.

Powers of the Soul

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
Soul is another term that has many meanings in many different cultures and traditions, but in these pages, we use it to refer to the deepest part of our being. It is a part of us that is as essential as the body, mind, and heart; a part of us and yet beyond them all. You might think of it as our personal spark of the greater divinity, unique to each one of us. If you prefer another term, such as deeper or higher or original Self (with a capital S to distinguish it from the small self or ego), or even purpose, please use what is most meaningful for you.

The Body as Teacher

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
ITP honors the body as an amazing teacher and guide. Further, we believe that the body is capable of transformation in both ordinary and extraordinary ways. ITP includes several practices to enhance the health of the body, such as the ITP Kata, aerobic exercise, strength training, and conscious eating. The body is our foundation, our vehicle to express ourselves in the world, and it requires appropriate care to realize its fullest potential.

Integrating Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
Putting together all aspects of our integral being is a practice itself. Conscious, embodied integration of our many parts reinforces wholeness, balance, and integrity—much of what ITP promises for practitioners. Rather than focusing awareness on one aspect of ourselves, such as the heart with its vast array of feelings, the staying current practice prompts us to pay equal attention to all aspects—the totality of who we are – to mine our deeper truths for self-understanding, growth, and mindful action.

Adventures with Integral Transformative Practice

By Pam Kramer
Join Dr. Shamini Jain and President of ITP International, Pamela Kramer, as they journey into the power of Integral Transformative Practice (ITP) for energizing your entire being and come away feeling refreshed and renewed!

ITP Community Spotlight on Pam Kramer

By Pam Kramer, Sally Isaacs
Each ITP newsletter spotlights a member of the ITP community so that they can share some insight into their practice and the role ITP plays in their life. This newsletter, with its theme of “Community and Leadership,” shines a light on Pam Kramer. Pam is the president of ITP International, an ITP Mastery teacher, is on the faculty of Esalen Institute, and presents workshops at venues in the US and abroad. She is engaged in training ITP teachers, helping to form ITP groups and bringing integral principles and practices to the workplace. Pam was the honoree of the “For the Love of ITP” event on May 2.

Announcing Living an Extraordinary Life: The Magic of Integral Transformative Practice

By Sally Isaacs, Pam Kramer
After over three years in development, ITP is proud to announce a new book that describes the genesis of ITP, its evolution and future aims. Living an Extraordinary Life: The Magic of Integral Transformative Practice, co-authored by Christina Grote and Pam Kramer, is scheduled for release in early March. Stay tuned for an official release email. Enjoy this interview with Pam Kramer as she answers some questions about the new book.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Fall 2022

Supporting your practice and cultivating your extraordinary nature In this final issue of our 2022 quarterly newsletter, we share tools and resources for supporting your practice and cultivating your extraordinary nature. We have also included communication guidelines and a meditation on love to help you navigate this holiday season and beyond.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2022

Our potential for realizing extraordinary capacities for personal and social transformation This third issue of our 2022 quarterly newsletter centers on the theme of our potential for realizing extraordinary capacities for personal and social transformation.

Integration as a Launchpad Toward Our Full Potential

By Pam Kramer, Barbara Brown
This exercise will allow us to bring vitality and awareness to our own integral parts of body, mind, heart and soul. It is meant to help us notice that we can connect with our different parts and sense into and awaken to the messages that they have for us. By attuning to each dimension of our being, we can shape the direction of our growth and the way we show up in the world.

Excerpt from Living an Extraordinary Life, The Magic of Integral Transformative Practice

By Christina Grote, Pam Kramer
In this excerpt from ITP's upcoming book, authors Christina Grote and Pam Kramer continue to explore new territory and more effective methods of transformation within our living, evolving practice. With what we are calling ITPx we intend to reconnect ITP to its founding vision— an adventure into humankind’s evolutionary frontier, a launchpad, as George Leonard called it, for places yet unknown.

A Practice that Continues to Evolve

By Jill Robinson, Pam Kramer
The notion of evolution applies to both the self-evolution of practitioners and also evolution of the practice itself. Thirty-one years later, the practice lives on because we find it works in wondrous ways, is not a one-size fits all and, mostly, because the practice has evolution built into its DNA.

A Practice for Honoring the Past and Celebrating Our Potential for Growth

By Pam Kramer, Donita Decker
The beginning of the year is a natural marker to reflect on transformative progress and challenges. Inspired by the January 2022 GLEE call program led by ITPI president Pam Kramer and ITP San Rafael group leader Donita Decker, this practice guides you in setting and aligning with your vision for the year ahead by celebrating your growth and learning from challenges.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Winter 2022

Personal, community and global evolution This first issue of our 2022 quarterly newsletter touches on the theme of personal, community and global evolution. Our integral transformation inevitably inspires a ripple effect to include our relationships and beyond.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - December 2021

Experiencing the Extraordinary Happy holidays! We wind down the year with our final issue of the ITP practice resources newsletter by focusing on the extraordinary in everyday life. These past weeks are so often a blur of to-do lists and year-end tasks. We hope that the content below offers a gentle reminder to slow down and inhabit a sense of awe in the life we are given.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Autumn 2021

The power of inquiry and research In this issue, read about the spirit of possibility that launched ITP's first experimental class and the research our co-founders employed to verify ITP efficacy, along with subjective findings.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - October 2021

This month's newsletter features a number of resources to practice cultivating relationships with ourselves, each other and the larger community. We hope the tools below inspire you to approach this commitment with curiosity and compassion with yourself as you embark on this transformative journey.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - September 2021

This month's newsletter features a number of resources to explore and build upon the philosophy of embracing what is possible within your own ongoing transformation. We hope the tools below inspire "aha" moments and invigorate your practice and worldview.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Summer 2021

In our Summer issue, we honor ways community nurtures our ongoing growth and breathes new life into us. Enjoy viewing the videos and reading the articles about the riches found in our community. This may be an ideal moment to pause and reflect on what community means to you and to experience gratitude for the blessings of it in your life.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - June 2021

Exploring the Power of the ITP Kata – This month's newsletter features a number of resources to explore the power within our ITP Kata practice. We hope the tools below offer ways to deepen your connection to the Kata in its entirety, the physical movements and the imaging and meditation segments. For so many of us that have not been able to enjoy being guided through the Kata this past year, you'll also enjoy a video from ITP president and Mastery Teacher, Pam Kramer, leading us through the Kata in its entirety.

ITPI Newsletter Articles - Spring 2021

In our Spring issue, we continue to explore what makes ITP distinctive, generative and ever-evolving. Imagine the practice of ITP as a 4-legged stool with these sturdy legs: theory, practice, community and research. These components are designed to provide a balanced approach for our transformative journey. Let's take a peek at those elements now.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - September 2020

Exploring the Extraordinary through Energy Awareness – There’s never been a more important time to reconnect with the extraordinary. We hope that this month’s resources help reinforce the power of greater awareness found through Leonard Energy Training and the body as teacher. Perhaps even more exciting, are the possibilities that unfold in this practice that lead us toward the next stage of human evolution.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - June 2020

Being the author of our own life – Understanding what it means to be the author of our own life is the first step in finding ways to be of service to the larger community, and this month's newsletter focuses on resources to reflect and review our own practice and how we can empower ourselves to live more authentically.

ITPI Practice Resources for Lasting Change - December 2019

"Expect nothing. Be ready for anything." – This month we honor the soul and our extraordinary capacities waiting to be realized on this exciting path of practice. As ITP co-founder, George Leonard said; "Expect nothing. Be ready for anything." In honor of the 10th year since his passing, the resources below are inspired by his belief in the human potential. We hope that this season surprises you with a sense of awe as we walk this path of practice together.